An updated collection of  FAA listed heliports in the Minneapolis St Paul Minnesota metropolitan area. This scenery was originally created before MSFS actually supported helicoptes This version updates the original package to support actual helipads, and not "fake" runways as the original scenery needed. These heliports are mostly hospitals & medical facilities and the bulk of them are on building rooftops. For the most part, no scenery objects were created for the actual helipads... the photogrammetry and Bing ground images seemed clear enough to see without adding "artificial" pads and such

There is a document in the package that lists all of the FAA ICAO #'s in the package with some general notes on each. On many of the heliports, windsocks and lights have been added. There are a couple of heliports that use scenery objects from the HELIPADS PACK by GBZH35 available here at The objects from this package are coded into the scenery, so you will not need to download the object package to see them. If you want to see the windsocks and flags I have added to a number of these heliports, you WILL need the WINDY THINGS objects by trfsto also found here on These windsocks, in my opinion, look and work better than the ASOBO socks you see at most airports.

More Midwest Heliport (and some other) sceneries I have created are now availble on the FlyMidwest web site Frequent updates will also be posted there.