I repositioned all vehicles of gate A3 (= Parking 17) to gate A10 (=Parking 10). Unfortunately I was not able to rename the gate positions or to disable the other ones.

Please read following information:

  • This profile is only made for use with Gaya Simulation Scenery LGKO Kos purchased and downloaded via the MSFS Marketplace. It is neither tested, nor verficated with other versions (e.g. purchased via ORBX, Simmarket etc).
  • If you did not bought your scenery via MSFS Marketplace, you should use this profile made by @SimonTricks: Gaya LGKO GSX Profile | SimonTricks
  • Install: Just unzip file into your AppData/Roaming/virtuali/GSX/MSFS folder.
  • Unfortunately GSX Pro does not change the AFDAD-Path in the file, so it is possible that this entry won't match your path to the scenery (in many cases). Because of this the changes won't work for your GSX, until you change the entry "afcad_path" to your own bgl-File (e.g. "\Community\Official\OneStore\fs-base-genericairports\scenery\0602\APX55180.bgl").
  • I am not a professional scenery developer, I created this in my leisure time. I will try to help, when I can and I will try to solve reported problems with this file, when I am able to do so.