This is a collection of 57 FAA Listed Heliports in the Greater Chicago, IL USA Metropolitan area. All of the heliports have been added to the package as "airports" which makes them searchable on the map and able to be started from, and/or added to, flight plans. A number of these helipads are on building rooftops and are "landable", but due to quirks in MSFS, areas that use photogrammetry (which is the bulk of the areas in this scenery) have little issues here and there and the renditions are somewhat quirky. You definately need to have photogrammetry ENABLED in your setup to get the full benefit of this scenery. Lights and windsocks have been added where information and aerial photos indicate their presence. Some of the heliports use scenery objects from the HELIPADS PACK by GBZH35 (available on and for the windsocks and flags, you will need to have WINDY THINGS by trfsto (also available on You do not need the helipads pack "package" installled as the objects are coded into the scenery, but you WILL need the windy things package installed to see the windsocks.There is a pdf listing of all of the heliports included in the zip archive as well as an installation instruction text file.

Several other Midwestern United States scenery files can be found on my web site This file updated as needed and available there.