This is a repaint for the Flight Replicas Spitfire Mk.Ia as Pr.I type G R7059. 'LY' were the code letters of No.1 Photographic Reconaissance Unit and not unique to this aircraft.

The Type G was the last of the Mk.I photo-reconnaissance adaptations. Fitted with one oblique and two ventral cameras, it was intended for low-level operations and retained the standard laminated windscreen and 8 x Browning .303 machine guns. Later PR Spitfires sacrificed wing armamant for fuel tanks and relied on altitude and speed to evade interception. The Type G carried one extra 29-gallon fuel tank behind the pilot's seat.

The pink (really off-white) camouflage was effective at low level against gun crews on the ground but must have made the Spitfire easy to spot from above.

The model doesn't feature cameras so here they are textures only, hopefully shiny enough to show up and give an impression. The exact poasition of the ventral cameras is a guess - I put one in the flare chute and the other diagonally opposite.

R7059 first flew on 1st February 1941 and had a service life of just over two years. She crashed and was written off after suffering an engine fire on 25th June 1943.


Unzip the download, place the 'FJ_SpitfirePR_IG_R7059' folder in your 'Community' folder and you should be good to go. Repaint by Steve Mercer based on the paint kit and textures by Flight Replicas.